+265994044461 | +265882924352 | info@asrt-africa.com

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Our Projects

Some of the recent ASRT assignments are below.

ASRT embarks on phase 2 of Akazi project

                                                                                  Having successfully completed the AKAZI 1 breast cancer project in January 2023, ASRT has started implementing phase 2 of the project, AKAZI 2. In...

Breast Cancer Project

Breast Cancer Project

ASRT has been implementing a breast cancer focused project called the AKAZI project in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and the Malawi Ministry of Health (MoH) with funding from the Irish Research Foundation. The key activities and output...



The Agency for Scientific Research and Training (ASRT), in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) is supporting the Ministry of Health to develop a national breast cancer control programme (NBCP) for Malawi through the Akazi-project.  This...

Malawi (MW) 2063

Malawi (MW) 2063

ASRT supported the Malawi National Planning Commission in it’s development of Malawi Government’s Vision 2063 (MW2063), the successor to Vision 2020. You can access the MW2063 documents on www.npc.mw